This might seem like a simple question for those of us who are Christians. We might answer that we read the Bible because God commands us to therefore we do it out of obedience.20140801-060907-22147603.jpg

But more than that what perspective do we approach the Bible with? As I was pondering my own walk with God and the difference between why I read the Bible now compared to why I read the Bible 10 years ago I find a changed perspective.

Before I read for knowledge. I read to know what God did in the past, so that I could marvel over what He had done, relying on what He had done in the past to give me faith to carry through eternity. This helped me know the history of what He had done and gave me a guideline for following His laws.

Now as I read what He did in the past it builds an expectancy in what He will do in my life, today and everyday. I read His relationships to people knowing that this is an example of the relationship He wants with me. As I read He reveals to me more of His character, and He grows faith that He is the same, yesterday, today and forever. (Hebrews 13:8) I read so that I may learn the character and working of God so that I may have my eyes open to what He desires to do in my life.

Share your thoughts. Why do you read the Bible? With what perspective do you approach His Word?

Why do you read the Bible?
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