If you were to say to your earthly father, “Dad I know you love and want to help me in whatever life may throw my way, but I’m not sure you are able to help me.” That would be sad but understandable under certain circumstances. We could however, balance that in our minds.
If you were to say “Dad I know you can do this and have influence in my situation but I’m not positive you will because your love is allusive and unsure.” This situation represents a far worse scenario since actual love is in question! God forbid that we would ever have to say this to someone we love. But if we look at Scripture we can see that God Himself has had to experience this from His own people. (Luke 5:12-13)
Joyfully however, as we read through Scripture we see that God says “Yes I will” (Mark 9:22) for He moves with the action word compassion.
Sadly some people still believe that the compassion (moving out towards His people) and the involvement of God in our generation is not possible. They have to live in the ‘I know you can, but will you’ avenues of life.
I prefer to live in the world of : “Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout *all generations, forever and ever” (Ephesian 3:20-21)
Yes even in this generation!
Love you and live in His compassion and strength
Brother Walt ©2014