This is an excerpt from Derek Prince’s book The Spirit-Filled Believer’s Handbook, as he comments on Romans 10:17 ‘so then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.’
As I read this it brought me a fresh perspective on this verse.
There are three successive stages in the spiritual process here described: 1.God’s Word, 2. Hearing, 3. Faith. God’s Word does not immediately produce faith, but only hearing. Hearing May be described as an attitude of aroused interest and attention, a sincere desire to receive and to understand the message presented. Then out of hearing there develops faith.
It is important to see that the hearing of God’s Word initiates a process in the soul out of which faith develops and that this process requires a minimum period of time. This explains why there is so little faith to be found among so many professing Christians today. They never devote enough time to the hearing of God’s Word to allow it to produce in them any substantial proportion of faith. (Page 53)
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The Stages of Faith