These are some ideas for a fun teachable Kids Sunday School class on Easter/Resurrection Sunday
Resurrection Eggs
Available at, with a story book for the lesson. I plan to put them in a basket with the fake Easter basket grass and display them on the table in class and then go through them.
This book has several skits at throughout for the accounts throughout the Holy Week.
- The Arrest in the Garden
- He is Risen
- The Stone is Rolled Away
Also available through
Snack Mix
This is for the account of what took place in the upper room from John 13 and Mark 14:1-26. A friend from church gave me the idea.
- Semi-sweet Chocolate chips: the upper room was a bittersweet time for Jesus as He knew He would be leaving the disciples soon
- Marshmallows: Jesus washed the disciples feet, which took humility and showed the disciples His purity of heart.
- Peanuts: have a hard texture and represent the hardness of Judas’ heart
- Raisins: Made from grapes represent the wine, and communion.
May you all have a blessed Resurrection Sunday celebrating His victory on the cross
My testimony of faith, Beyond Head Knowledge: Knowing Christ who Satisfies Our Hearts , is now available for pre-order through and Barnes and Noble.