Jesus said ‘Permit the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not; for such is the kingdom of God.’ (Mark 10:14 KJV)  And since that is what Jesus said, then I want to be one of those children.

One of a child’s greatest attributes is their boundless imagination. In their unhindered minds anything is possible! I like that, and thank God for a childlike heart and imagination, even age my age?! The problem is that people try to destroy this wonderful imagination for many reasons; mostly unbelief!

Take time to dream and imagine what Father God can do in your life and live the possibility and potential that can result from your believing imagination and dreams!

Every year Naomi and I set goals for the upcoming year. Last year one of her goals for 2013 was to write a book that God could use for His glory. I can still hear her telling me of her book writing goal and although it did sound a bit audacious it was also very exciting. This is mainly due to the fact that God has done so many awesome things in our lives these past ten years! The only option open for us it to imagine the possibilities in Christ! WOW!

Well, the Lord has used Naomi to both see her dream accomplished for 2013, but also a tool that He can use for His Name and for His fame! You will want a copy of Na’s book because you will never be the same!!


BeyondHeadKnowledge_24MARBeyond Head Knowledge: Knowing Christ who Satisfies Our Hearts by Naomi Fata, is now available for pre-order through and Barnes and Noble.


Love you an Be a Blessing

Brother Walt

Goal Setting 'With Childlike Imagination'
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