reflection on lentThis year Lent is a bit special to me. It is the first time in my life I have ever observed it. I grew up in church and was a saved at a young age but the churches I attended did not observe the practice of Lent.

Several months ago the Lord laid on my heart to learn more about Lent. Truthfully I had little understanding about its purpose or meaning. As I realized that it is a means to prepare our hearts for Easter, which is the most important celebration in the life of a Christian, I wondered why I had not done so before.

I have always celebrated Advent, which is turning the focus of Christmas to the birth of Christ during the weeks coming up to Christmas, but why not Lent which turns one’s focus to the cross and the resurrection which brought us LIFE.

I knew that Lent was a season in which people gave up certain foods or other vices in one’s life, and had wondered if it was a sort of penance.

But the giving up is more a symbol of remembering Christ’s 40 days in the wilderness before His earthly ministry. I have found it to be a time of humility, drawing one’s heart near to Him, in dependence.

During this season of Lent, as we approach Easter may all our hearts be drawn to Him.

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