Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! “ [ISA 5:20 NKJV]


You do not have to look hard to find it.  Rather, you are hard-pressed these days to find a respite from it.  It impinges upon us in both obvious and subtle ways.  It is nefarious; seeping into our consciousness by constantly re-defining the boundaries of culturally accepted behavior.  With each shocking headline of a life senselessly destroyed or  discarded as trash, of aberrant and destructive lifestyles foisted upon us as normal and good, of governments and judiciaries who (either via commission or omission) devastate marriage and the family, of media and entertainment pushing the envelope to sell the salacious – we become societally desensitized.  Our outrage becomes less and less audible until we acquiesce, perhaps privately bemoaning the loss of our traditional values.

America more than ever needs a re-sensitivity to sin.  We need to stop and comprehend the devastating impact of a generation or more of pushing God to the side, and even worse – denying His existence wholesale.  Today, the concept of sin is abhorrent, and those faithful few who preach and teach it are denounced as intolerant and antiquated.  Like water against a rock, the demand to legitimize sinful behavior is incessant.

We who claim Christ first need to repent of our willingness to tolerate sin [both individual and corporate], and then stand on the bedrock of our Christian faith that has been delivered into our hands and not falter.  We need to call sin, sin and evil, evil.  We need to speak the Truth in love because we know all too well the baggage of our own sinfulness.  None of us are good [Rom 3:10].  We do this because we love people caught up in sin with the matchless love of Christ.

In Ezekiel 33, God spoke to His prophet about the need to set a watchman at the wall, to warn the people of impending attack by the enemy.  A nation’s enemies are both external as well as internal [within hearts/minds].  I believe God will hold us accountable if we do not sound the alarm about the dangers of sin, dangers which have eternal consequences.  This Lenten season, as we reflect on our own sinfulness and the redemption found only in Jesus, let us also turn our attention to those God has placed in our path – all of whom need the saving power of the blood of the Lamb who died for us at Calvary.

Rob Moore

To God be the glory

Contact info for Rob:
on twitter: Rob Moore@ArbEvMo
A Lenten Imperative: Re-sensitivity to Sin by Guest Write Rob Moore
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