Do you ever focus on the things that are not working in your life?
Sometimes I focus on something negative someone said to me, and the comment grows into a mountain. There are instances where I also focus on something someone said to me in my past, someone who made fun of me in elementary school, on friends that hurt me in highschool, or moments that I thought defined me as a person that I chalked up as “not so great”. The wounds are deep….. Or else, I am in the present and tell myself, you are not good enough, you can not measure up. Then my mind jumps into the future and fear, anxiety, and “what ifs” fill my mind.
Yes this is so true, most of us struggle with the voices inside our heads. The voices that tell us that we are not enough, or that we need to be more. The mind is such a powerful thing, it can lead us down a path of destructive self-talk. Truly loving ourselves is sometimes so difficult.
We look in the mirror and see features we would like to change, and our thoughts stop us from experiencing complete contentment.
What if you could choose to focus on the good? What if you saw good in all of the moments where it felt uncomfortable, what if you saw good in every moment?
Imagine this for a moment…
I choose to only see the good in the moments that take my breath away (illness, disappointment or trouble that heads our way),
I choose to only see good in my boss or coworkers, we are all here for a reason,
I choose to only see good in the driver in front of me, he/she might be having a bad day,
I choose to only see good in my spirited family, we compliment each others weaknesses,
I choose to only see good my friends or relationships, can be bumpy but the bumps teach us the greatest lessons,
I choose to only see good in my children that have a love/hate relationship, they are healthy and happy,
I choose to only see good in my spouse who snores too much and likes to be “right”,
And I choose to only see good in me because I AM BEAUTIFUL and have been beautifully made.
Sounds simple doesn’t it? Could it be that simple????
The one thing we have been given in this life is the power of choice.
We may not have control on what happens in this life, but the one thing we can control is how we respond.
You can choose to focus within, shift your perspective and see yourself and everything around you through rose colored glasses….
You may be thinking, I am a realist… But how does it feel focusing on the bad?
Let it go, choose to love YOU! Put that STOP SIGN in your head as soon as the bad thoughts creep in.
Start by asking yourself today, what makes me beautiful and unique? And as you begin to do this, choose to refocus your lens everywhere you go, every moment and everyone you touch.
Only you have the power to do so.
“Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” (2 Corinthians 4:16-18)
Dear Lord God,
Help us refocus on the good. Help us to see what you have created, the moments that teach us what you want us to see. Help us to see ourselves, the moments, and the people through your eyes. I pray for this in Jesus Name Amen.
May you be blessed,