1 Corinthians 6:20

For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in you body and in your spirit, which are God’s

 Last week our Sunday School lesson was on our bodies being a temple of the Holy Spirit. As I prayed over the lesson I thought back to my own childhood growing up in the faith.

What misconceptions did I have about the Holy Spirit living within me? 

The focus of the lesson was on eating good food and getting enough exercise so that our bodies would be a healthy place for the Spirit to live. But I also felt the need to address the health of our minds. Our worries, fears, and thoughts on anything impure pollute the dwelling place of the Spirit as well.

How much do you think children understand about these things?

Feel free to comment in the space below (we love feedback)!

Lesson 7Printable verse/prayer cards for class of 10


The temple of the Holy Spirit: My Body

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