
Looking back two years ago I had no vision. There was a desire to do something for God, but I was frustrated at my inability to do so. I was stuck in my concept of what I wanted to be. We all have this idea of what we want to be when we grow up but when it doesn’t happen discouragement and disillusionment often set in. (Read Vanessa’s article about growing up when you get a chance).

One day in January of 2012 I was listening to Joyce Meyer, and she spoke on how she had not attended seminary or formal training but the Lord taught her through every day life practical application of Scripture. Part of my frustration was because I never finished college and settled down instead. As I listened to Joyce’s testimony, the Lord began to show me that my real desire was to learn and serve. He was able to teach me both if I would just submit to Him. On that cold winter day, as I did my housework and took care of my infant daughter and toddler son I conversed with the Lord about this and told Him I would give up my notion of what I wanted to be if He would teach me right where I was.

He changed my world that day. Not all at once, but slowly He began to give me a vision – His vision as I let go of mine.

Since then He has led me to use writing through this site, bookmark poems, a monthly article in our local paper and the now completed manuscript of my first book. Never before had I thought of using writing to serve God. Since childhood I have written poems and chicken scratch, but in the busyness of life I had set it aside. As I began to write again I began to see His vision and to live again.

What is His vision for you in the New Year? For each of us He has a purpose.

Without a vision? Finding God's Vision
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