Materials Needed:
- 1 yard of felt
- 20 feet of 3/8″ ribbon
- 25 clothes pins
- elmer’s glue
- hot glue gun
- printer
- laminate pages
- 3/8″ dowel 36″long
- Cut felt to be 36 (height)”x 34″.
- Make an 1.5″ rod pocket at the top (I sewed it , possibly it could be glued instead)
- Diagram the tree with chalk. A straight line down the middle and five rows across, gradually getting bigger from top to bottom. I spaced my horizontal lines approximately 5″ apart. My branch lengths were as follows. 8″, 12″, 16″, 20″, 24″ and the horizontal trunk 30″
- Cut ribbon strips for the length on the tree center and for each branch. This should use approximately 10 ft of ribbon. These can be glued or sewn on.
- Cut 25 pieces of ribbon the length of a clothespin + 1/2″ t
- With a paintbrush, or q-tip brush Elmer’s glue onto a clothespin then press on one piece of ribbon. Fold the excess ribbon over the top of the clothespin and glue accordingly as needed. Repeat this for all the remaining clothespins
- With a hot glue gun attach the clothespins, face downward to the tree, as follows. Top: 1 pin. Branch 1: 2 pins. Branch 2: 4 pins. Branch 3: 4 pins. Branch 4:6 pins. Branch 5: 8 pins.
- We labeled our pins with numbers using a label maker or stickers, staring with 25 at the far right bottom as seen above.
- Print, cut, color and laminate the figures. I don’t have a set of printables but there are a variety of ornaments on the link
- Put the dowel through the rod pocket. Hang your Jesse tree using cord tied to each end of the dowel.
- Celebrate Advent and start a family tradition.
Sample Scripture readings and instructions
Jesse tree Scripture printable
These are some of the Scriptures that we came up with, I’m sure there are many others that could be used. Right now my children are quite young (3 1/2 and not yet 2) so sometimes I find the story of Rahab or Jonah or whatever one we are on that day in one of their Bible story books and read that.
Another great resource that a friend lent me to go along with the Jesse Tree is the Holy Heroes DVD.

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Have a blessed Christmas season celebrating the birth of Christ.
Jesse Tree: Instructions, printable images and Scriptures
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