line to see jesus


Several years ago my church put on a Christmas pageant. One song from the play which has stuck with me was sung by a young girl, asking her mother “Where is the line to see Jesus?” The girl had observed the lines for Santa, and the lines for shopping, but she had been taught that Jesus was the reason for Christmas, and was wondering why there was no line to see Him.

It is true that during the holidays we are inevitably in a line waiting for something, whether at grocery store checkout stocking up for Christmas dinner, or standing for hours hoping that the store won’t be sold out of that newest piece of technology for our child’s Christmas present or waiting for a parking space at the mall.

In the midst of it all are our hearts in line to see Jesus? Once we get in that line there is no waiting, we have His immediate attention. He does have store hours but is there all the time and He is the One waiting for us. We never have to wait our turn – never have to give someone else a turn. Unlike sitting on Santa’s lap for a picture and then having to leave, we can stay by Jesus’ side for as long as we want.

In this case it is Him who does the waiting. He waits longing for us to come to Him: Longing for us to rest in His presence. He will wait with patience for as long as it takes.

Through the busy season of family, friends, parties, and festivities our hearts can be resting in Him; in the line to see Jesus.

By Naomi Fata


Printed in December 2013 edition of the Hudson River Sampler.

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The Line to See Jesus
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