He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end. Ecclesiastes 3:11 (NIV)

You probably have heard that we all have a God shaped vacuum built into our being that hungers after a relationship with Father God. (I like to say a “God Space; that way you can measure the maturity factor as the space enlarges)

As we read Ecclesiastes 3:11 we learn; “He has put eternity in their hearts”. ‘Poor’ King imageSolomon having gone in his own direction disobeyed many of God’s commands. This illustrates man in general; always looking in the world for something to satisfy his deepest longing. We all know that satisfaction is impossible other than developing a relationship with Christ.

To the Christian this space needs to be growing in size, as that shows our desire to know God in a deeper way. If the space is static one grows disillusioned as their deepest need is starved. Nothing will ever fill that space but a loving God and thus life is a ‘drag’. God also warns us of the peril of not growing in Christ in Hebrews 6:1-8 and that is scary!

We can end this on a positive note as we read II Peter 3:18….

but grow in the grace and knowledge of you Lord and Savior Jesus Christ….

You God space should be ever-expanding.

I trust it is!

Love you and keep growing

Brother Walt

A God Space: Ecclesiastes 3:11
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