This is another writing by my friend Rosemary Keener.

Love Letters to And From God

Who Does God Love?

by Rosemary Keener

A little while back I heard a precious man of God speaking on the great love God has for us. As I meditated on that word, I started thinking back over on my life. Six years ago You God, in your great love and mercy sat me down and proceeded to show me you great love for me. For so many years you had been slowly hacking away at my “works” mentality. Years ago if anyone asked me who I was, I would respond with my job description. My identity was in my “works” that is who I thought I was. So it is with so many today, they think that what they do (whether it is working a regular job, or in the ministry) is who they are. So over the years the Lord started to show me that I was so much more than what “my works” portrayed me to be. As I started sitting before the Lord to learn more about Him, I so struggled to stay put. You see when a person who has been so busy, it is so hard to simply sit [but by the grace of God I’m learning]! I thought of all the things that I “needed to be doing”, laundry, dishes, the vacuuming, etc. many days I felt like I needed to sit on my hands.

You know what I found out? I was and am so much more than what I do, and so are you!

So one day at the appointed time, God told me to stop doing everything, the ministry, all the works and to simply sit at His feet like Mary and learn of Him. See I always wanted to be a Mary, but it reality I was a Martha. Once a brother in the Lord said that to me. He came over to where I was working and said “Martha, Martha, Martha” as he shook his head. And I said to myself, “I’m a Mary” But in reality I was a Martha held captive by my own will but wanting desperately to be a Mary. Many times I gave into the pressure of the “works that needed to be done” but God was so patient with me and gently corrected me and got me back on track. Thank God for His awesome grace! Then God gave me greater wisdom concerning my works problems, He would show me to do the laundry in the evening {while my husband was at work}, and different ways so that my time with Him wouldn’t be distracted. I moved myself into a different room from where the phone was, so it wouldn’t ring and I wouldn’t be tempted to pick it up.  A very dear friend of mine once told me “all calls are not “fire” calls a lot of them are just smoke.”, so I was in school rosemary who does God lovelearning to sit at my Father’s feet to become the Mary He had always created me to be.

And you know what? I started to learn who I really was, it wasn’t about what I did, it was about who God created me to be, a daughter of God. Someone who was {and still is} learning to spend time with Him, to see how much He truly loved and does love me. And my whole life radically changed. I hear His voice more clearly everyday He shows me from the Bible encouraging words that so bless my life. I have a greater faith in His faithfulness than ever before, and I’m learning that His way is always the best way to do things. He instructs me, corrects me, teaches me and simply loves on me.

You know what? He longs to do the same for you! He many not tell you to do what I needed to do {let go of everything} but He has a plan made just for you, if you will just simply take the time to find out what it is. If you will just ask God, He will show you how and when to take that time with Him. He SO LOVES YOU! He so desires you {and everyone} to come to know of His great love and yes plan, for your life.

See, I was just journaling my thoughts and waiting, and God started speaking to me and one day He told me to share them with others. That is simply what I’m doing. I write them down, then I give them away, and pray they encourage others of how much God loves them also. For it is written in God’s Holy Word that He is no respecter of persons. He will show you your part in His body, if you’ll just take some time to find out what it is!


Love letters to and from God: Who does God Love?
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