studentHow many remember the college years or even high school?

Did you ever feel alone? Like you were in the journey to adulthood without the support you longed for?

It isn’t that godly parents are doing their job. Most of them are. But young people could also use the support and encouragement of the body of Christ. We don’t have to stop our lives to be a blessing. Being a blessing can be part of our daily walk with the Lord.

What can you practically do to reach out to a young person?

During my year at Bible College I was blessed with a prayer mom. An older lady had picked up my name from a conference at the college and agreed to pray for me for the year, but she didn’t just pray. She sent me little notes, and it became a beautiful relationship. I was 1000 miles from home and just having the extra encouragement from someone I didn’t even know was such an amazing blessing. I kept in touch with her for years after college but lost contact with her several years ago.

Become a prayer mom or dad for a student

From my own experience of having a prayer mom the Lord led me to become one for someone else. I contacted the college I had attended and they put me in touch with a student who needed encouragement.

Some churches and/or Christian colleges have a formal set up for assigning congregants a teen or college student for a year to pray for while others don’t. Even if there is no formal setup it only takes a few moments of your time to contact the pastor, youth leader, or college personnel to become connected with a student you can bless.

Once you are connected with a student you might exchange e-mails, snail mail, small packages, encouraging thoughts or anything else the Lord leads you to do.

You never know what impact you could have on a young life. God can use you right where you are in ways you may never see.

Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me. Matthew 25:40 (NIV)

Practical Ministry: Be a blessing to a student
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