2 Corinthians 9:7 So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God love a cheerful giver.
This is one of those verses commonly used on tithing. We know that we should give cheerfully rather than clinging to our money but how. Why do we give?
- Habit?
- Obedience?
- Ritual
- To please God?
- To look good in front of others?
These are just a few reasons that I thought of for why some people give. Most frequently I fall into tithing out of habit. But habit does not equate to a joyful heart.
Like all the previous prayer cards that I have made for our Sunday School class I realize that theses Scriptures need to be prayed so that they become a reality in our hearts.
How desperately we need Him to give us joy in our hearts as we give so that our giving my be a sacrifice of praise.
Free printable cards (two-sided)Prayer cards on joyful giving