heaven for real
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Heaven is for Real – a four-year old’s account of heaven. This is one of my favorites to keep on my ministry shelf. I never know who I might encounter who has questions about heaven.

For the Christian and the non-Christian this is a testimony of the reality of heaven. Sometimes heaven seems distant and certainly not the focus of our everyday thoughts (though it should be). Everything that little Colton recounted of his experience of heaven directly corresponds with what the Bible has to say.

For those who have lost unborn children whether through abortion or a miscarriage, we don’t have to wonder if God cares for them – we know He does. While in heaven Colton met an unborn sibling he did not know he had. Unbeknownst to him his mother had miscarried a baby girl.

This is not just another story of life after death, it truly stirred in my heart a great longing to be with the Lord. It deepened my faith as I pondered the mysteries of our eternal life.

Perfect for an unsaved family member, friend or co-worker, this is an easy read. No heart can read it and be untouched.

If you don’t want to buy the book but are interested in reading this book is such a popular seller that many local libraries have it available in e-book, audiobook and/or in print. Our local library system has it available in all three.

Heaven is For Real: Great Resource
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