Be a burning bush in someone’s life! Notice I didn’t say “be the voice from the burning bush” (Ex 3:2), just the bush or instrument God uses to reach others.

it is amazing how God uses us as His instrument of communication to others and at the same time allows us to understand that what is happening is only in His power.

The one who calls you is faithful and He will do it! 1 Thessalonians 5:24

A life committed to being a burning bush for his use is one of the most incredible callings you can have: although one of the most unsung. But what greater call can we have then to “dwell in the secret place of the Most High. Psalm 91:1 ( note: did you notice that the bush was not consumed, but did continue to burn and flourish.)

love you and be a blessing,

Brother Walt

Be A Burning Bush
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