This past month my family has been faced with more bills than expected….nothing extraordinary, just the like of car repairs and such. As I looked at the bills coming in I have been praying for God’s financial provision.
Being self-employed in a service based business I experience an ebb and flow in work throughout the year. Recently I have had an outpouring of work which I recognize as God’s provision for finances. Clients keep calling who need last minute alterations for weddings, and vacation. Others need their home dec projects finished in time for special company. I was beginning to feel overwhelmed. I wanted to complain to God that I don’t have the energy or strength for all this.
During a jog I was pouring my heart out to God, telling Him how weak I felt and how much pressure I am under. I probably looked a bit like the Israelites asking for quail. Deep within my heart I felt the Lord impress on my heart how much I need to trust in all things. If I believe the added work is a provision of God to meet our financial need I also must believe that God will provide the strength and time to do the work He has provided. This was a revelation to my heart of God’s name Jehovah-Jireh. He has already made provision in the future. He has gone before me and provision awaits me, whether for strength or finances or whatever it is, He has it ready for me.
Nathan Stone writes in his book The Names of God,
In these names [the names of God] there is a progressive revelation of Jehovah meeting every need as it arises in the experience of His redeemed people – saving, strengthening, sanctifying, and so on; and not only for the redeemed of that day, but for God’s saints in all ages. (p70 1944 edition)
How flighty my heart is to forget the provision of God, to panic instead of trust my Father who has already made the way ahead of me. Whether in work, in finances, in family and in all of life, God is right there ready to enter in.