Taste and see that the Lord is good, Oh the joys of those who take refuge in Him! Psalm 34:8 (NLT)

Sarah Young’s devotional reading for June 28 in Jesus Calling speaks of the command to taste and see that God is good. Even though it is now several days passed I am continually drawn back to this Scripture. She comments that “it contains a promise. The more you experience [Him] the more convinced you will become of [His] goodness.”

I ponder the concept of tasting God’s goodness continually. Naturally through human wisdom sometimes want to through the circumstances of life in His face because it doesn’t make sense, it hurts…. but I am finding that deep within He awakens my spiritual senses and when I ask to taste of His goodness, to see His goodness, I do so through the eyes of my heart.

Lord, when it is hard to trust I turn to You, even on the easy days when I could lean toward self-sufficiency, I want to trust you. Open my spiritual senses continually that I may taste and see you for who You are – God who is good all the time – God whose goodness is far beyond my comprehension. Bring my heart a constant revelation of who You are as I abide in You. Amen


Taste and see that He is good!
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