This is my most recent article for the Hudson River Sampler, printed this past week.
There is a nearby hill I like to walk. I fondly refer to it as God’s mountain; there He seems a little bit closer, in the quiet peace His presence more real. For every one there is a different place where their hearts tune into the heaven’s music best. For some it may be in the cathedral as the sun shines through the stained glass windows casting rainbows on the polished wooden pew, while organ melodies fill up to the dome. Others may sit by the ripples of a brook listening to the gurgling of nature’s harmony. Amidst the fish and the flowers, the skipping stones and damp green mosses, here the heart catches the notes of heaven’s song. Praise rises from the open heart. Thankful. Blessed.
Every day, every moment, He has a message for each heart spoken in a still small voice patiently waiting to be heard. He doesn’t push, He doesn’t pound, He doesn’t roar above the noise. Often lost among the voices of busyness vying for our attention, He waits some more in the stillness. Drowned out by the perceived importance of life’s tasks, with patience He looks for a moment of silence. Many days with disappointment He goes unheard.
When the heart is ready He whispers the message, “Be still. Be still and know that I am God.” Simple, but enough to calm the anxious mess within; enough to put circumstances back in perspective; enough to trust; enough to face another day with strength, confidence and victory.