Dear Ones,
I guess if you want to live in defeat, sorrow and fear with no promise for this day, you certainly could.
If you had inherited a vast sum of money and never deposited it or wrote a check to cash it, but instead hid it in the backyard only to live in poverty you could do that also.
But why would you?
Paul writes in Ephesians 1:18
That we may understand the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints.
It is your choice; either live in poverty or enjoy your inheritance of immense wealth in Christ. You are living in poverty if the joy of Christ and the realization of His secure promises are not experienced.
Living in the confidence of His abiding presence and experiencing the living Jesus working in and through us makes a huge difference in our quality of life!
What a wonderful family relationship there is between Christ and believers! A believer can actually claim, ‘I have a brother in heaven. I may be poor, but I have a Brother who is rich and who is King. Will He allow me to be in need while He sits on His throne? No, He loves me – He is my Brother.’
Excerpt from Look Unto Me by Charles Spurgeon (p23)
Love you and be a blessing
Brother Walt
P. S. To Our Readers: You will want to read Naomi’s new book Heart Knowledge when it is published. It is a journey from spiritual poverty to untold joy and fulfillment in Christ. We all need to examine our own person journey into maturity and experiencing God’s desire for us all; His presence and power! Please remember to pray for every phase of this project. Stay with us! Thanks, Walt