Not too long ago I wrote about writing being a form of worship.Directly connected to that idea is the concept that writing can be an altar (in a good way). Some of you may have read Walt’s post about passion and tradition, when he discussed the life of Abraham.  As we have talked one thing deeply impressed on me was that many altars that the Old Testament patriarchs built. Every time God did something amazing in their lives they built an altar.

These were several things that I pondered as I thought about the altars of the Old Testament.

  1. The time it takes to build an altar:  I do not know how much time it may have taken to build each altar but regardless of whether it was a couple of hours, a day or longer, the point is that these godly men took the time to do so. They stepped away from the responsibilities of their lives to gather stones and honor God for what He had done.
  2. An outward symbol of a heart that worshipped God: For people in the lives of these men, perhaps people who saw them building the altars, there could be no doubt in their minds that Abraham, Jacob and Moses (to name a few) were giving glory to God.

Building an altar through writing

When you take the time to write down the faithfulness of God in your life, or take the time to write a few lines of worship to Him, it is the setting aside of your time….honoring God for who He is and what He has done. The pages of a journal may seem inconsequential to some, but it may be a way of helping clarify in your mind all the work of God in your life.

If you have any thoughts on this subject feel free to share. In what ways has God used your writing whether to help your own spiritual growth or that of others?


Building an altar with writing
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