Recently Walt has been writing about seeking the Lord for our health.  This week a friend from church wrote a short article that was printed on the back of our church bulletin. With her permission I am sharing it with you.

To Your Health

“I will praise Thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Marvelous are Thy works, and that my soul knoweth right well.” -Psalm 139:14

So many facets to being fearfully and wonderfully made – How do we maintain this God-related body? We can liken our bodies to a car, our body being the car and you the mechanic.  The more we learn the better we can maintain our bodies. “What? Know you not that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom ye have of God and ye are not your own?”   I Corinthians 6:19

One of the major problems of today is weight.  So many thoughts as to why this is happening.  Artificial sweeteners are one of the culprits.  We kid ourselves using them. Better to use the “real” thing (sugar), just use less.  The brain cannot identify artificial sweeteners causing you to crave more. This is a huge topic, check on it yourself.  Remember: there aren’t any free lunches….If you’ll pardon the pun.

Allergy to foods is another enemy.  Wheat being a big problem, which has been genetically modified starting about 50 years ago, to grow wheat taller and faster, to feed a growing population.

This is not the same wheat that Moses partook of. Not only does it cause weight gain (having a high glycemic index), but can cause osteoporosis, skin conditions, such as psoriasis, heart disease and contributes to diabetes, and oral ulcers. We all know that portion control is very effective, a sure cure for “hand to mouth disease.”

Consider our church building.  Built with human hands we work to keep everything in good order, repairing what needs to be repaired, cleaning, being sure it is always presentable all done with human effort – should we not give God’s creation, us, our bodies, the same, even more consideration?

Hope this is just enough to whet your appetite (another pun) and do some searching on your own.

Recommended reading; Wheat Belly by Dr. Wm. Davis, M.D.

By Barbara Higle

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Health to Our Bodies – His Temple
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