to doThe New Year’s To Do List

Starting the new year, many of us made a “to do” list of things we would like to accomplish in this coming year or a list of goals….exercising more, spending more time with our spouse, serving God more, memorizing more verses, joining a Bible study……whatever it is we start with the best of intentions.

Recently I have been reading Susan B. Hill’s book Closer Than Your Skin: Unwrapping the Mystery of Intimacy with God.  One of her chapters talks about goals and destiny.  Like me she was a person who had lengthy goals of what she thought she could accomplish for God. She writes how at times during her life she was so busy doing things for God that she became exhausted in the effort of over doing. Finally God broke her from the Martha mindset of overwork and shortened her list of goals to the following…

    1. Spend time with God to develop intimacy
    2. Listen for His signals
    3. Invite God into my day and allow Him to rearrange my schedule
    4. Ask God to bring me people who need prayer

(Found on page 116)

Sometimes in life our planners begin to look like this


There is nothing innately wrong with a busy, organized life.  Sometimes I do feel like my schedule could begin to look like this.

But the goals listed in Susan’s book challenged me to refocus on who is important…on the fact that I can accomplish nothing in this life – only God flowing through me can bring about lasting fruit.

New Year's Goals
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