My God Mountain
Out enjoying the creation of God has always been one of my favorite past-times. Just this past week I had the opportunity to sneak out for a couple minutes; away from kids, free from work – alone with the Lord. There is a place nearby that has a short trail with a beautiful view – I call it my “God mountain”. When I want to be alone with Him just to talk for a couple of minutes or a lot a minutes I go to settle my heart with His peace.
I walked up the short path and sat on the wooden overlook. I knew that God had directed the events of that day so that I had just enough time to stop here at this spot to be with Him but I wasn’t sure what it was He wanted to show me so I asked that He would open my heart to Him.
Whining of a Child
Gently He reminded me of a conversation with my son several days prior. It had been a whiny day for my little two year old – as a mom I was a little frustrated because his whining was ruining quality time with him – or so I thought. As calmly as I could I had tried to explain to him that I wanted to spend time with him, to enjoy being with him, but his attitude was taking all the enjoyment out it. Not only that I was going to have to discipline with time out for his whining.
Relationship without complaining
How much God wanted to spend time with me – just for me to enjoy His presence – to enjoy being with Him, but all too often I brought complaints of life – WHINING. I think in my mind all too often thoughts of when this or that happens then I will be happy or when our finances are perfect then I will know God has worked. But if I would just step back and rest in trust I would be able to enjoy His presence. My feeling as a mother concerning my son’s whining was disappointment because his attitude was preventing me from enjoying time with him.
I wonder how often my attitude prevents God from enjoying time with me. He so desires to fill my heart with His peace. He longs for me to enjoy fellowship with Him. But my concentration on self – my needs – my wants – all on my time table – this prevents the relationship I long for. It saddens the heart of God that I do not enjoy His presence as much as I should.
To know Him
To love Him
To enjoy His peace
All without complaining but with perfect trust