Dear Ones,

Have you ever been asked to entertain someone you didn’t know well as part of a Church “body-life” growth experience? The thing is not everyone is able to relate to this exercise.  There are feelings of insecurity and inferiority because they feel inadequate or are very shy and in some cases cooking challenged.

The first thing to remember is do not respond our of guilt. This is not God’s plan for our lives. He is very patient with us and eventually will change us to be what He wants us to be. People like to manipulate others to action but never God. (I Peter 4:10)

This is a poem I wrote that will encourage you to be patient and look to what gifts God has given you to be patient and look what gifts God has given you to be an effective witness and not what someone else forces on you! Take this poem to heart and be healed.

Mission Present

Early up and out the door.

The mission field as never before.

I want to serve my Lord today

I trust Him to give me the words to say

I don’t have to serve in some distant land

A place where a camel could walk in the sand

I could clean the floor, flip an egg or cut a key.

If it’s a place to share Christ, there I want to be

I am a missionary when I step out the door

Here where I am my spirit will soar.

If He wants me to serve in an unknown place,

Or to serve needy people of a distant race.

If He wants me to serve in the place I now rest,

A missionary I will be and I will be blessed.

Whatever, whenever, whoever is my cry.

To share God’s salvation to those who will die

To pull them back from the flames of eternal torment

This is my call, my mission present.


Love you and be a blessing

Brother Walt

Practical Hospitality: Someone for Dinner

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