sunday schoolThese are some ideas and resources for Kids Sunday School

The curriculum our church uses for Sunday School is through Regular Baptist Press. The 5th-6th grade class we teach is called Junior Faith Detectives. I have been adding material to some of the lessons. Which can work with any Sunday School.

I have begun to make addition materials to aid in the teaching of this class and share them as a resource for others.

Each lesson has a suggested memory verse for the children and I have begun to make prayer cards which have the verse on one side and a prayer based off the verse on the other. Just as important as memorizing Scripture I believe children need to learn how to apply it through prayer.

Worshipping and Praying to God: Fall curriculum on odd years (2011, 2013, etc.)

  1.  The Start of Worship:
  2. Worshipping God is for Everyone: Printable prayer card based on Pslam 95
  3. Approaching God : Prayer cards on Leviticus 8
  4.  Heavenly Worship Scene:
  5. Worship and the Bible: prayer card on 2 Timothy 3:15
  6. Sing to the Lord: Printable prayer card on Colossians 3:16
  7. Worshipful Giving: Printable prayer card on 2 Corinthians 9:7,15
  8. In Remebrance: prayer card on the Lord’s Table
  9. Real Prayer: Closet printable from the Lord’s Prayer
  10. Don’t Worry, Pray: Philippains 4:6,7 verse card

Preparing for Life Winter 2011-12/ 2013-14

  1. Bad Day, Good God: Lesson 1 Job 1.21 printable verse cards
  2. Healthy Response to Illness: Job 2 printable verse cards
  3. Triumph through trust:
  4. Overcoming Obstacles
  5. Life as a Steward: Lesson 5 stewardship printable verse card
  6. Doing God’s will: Psalm 1 printable skit and Printable Psalm 1 verse card
  7. My Body, God’s Temple: Printable verse card on I Corinthians 6:20
  8. Stewards of the Earth: Printable verse card on Psalm 24
  9. Extreme Obedience:printable verse card for Ephesians 6
  10. Choosing Friends: Proverbs 17:14 free printable
  11. Conflict Under Control: Lesson 11 proverbs 17.14
  12. Good Citizenship: Printable Skit & Printable verse cards for 1 Peter 2:13-14

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