Take rest in you hammock in the land without trees
There is rest and refreshing at the Cross of Calvary!
God’s first work of love is to call me to life
I feel His presence as He gives faith to overcome strife.
Where can I secure my hammock for much-needed relief?
Since this land is barren without a single leaf.
I stand in a land parched and stifling in the pain of life.
I need shelter, I need rest; in darkness I need His light.
This land has little solace, but His provision is always ready
In His arms I dwell, His promises are strong and steady.
As an answer to my cry our Father is always giving
A reminder of whose I am and that His Word is always living.
‘He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High,
Will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.” (Psalm 91:1)
I am bid to dwell in the shelter of the Most High,
To rest in His shadow all comforting and bidding nigh.
Praise God! The Tree is provided for me to cling.
It casts a cool shadow and a peace it does bring.
Praise God! Once again for that blessed Tree
Is none other than the Cross, yes the Cross of Calvary!
Walter Irwin ©2005
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