seasons of trials


There are also times and seasons of trials and what I call “take up your cross daily” type of ‘trouble’ that differ from the situations discussed in Bee Careful and A Way Out. In the former discussion we understand that many of these troubles can be self-induced and therefore by holding on to Psalm 94:12-13 and adopting the disciplines of sanctification we can avoid man ‘bandaids’ in our lives.

The times and seasons of trial and bearing your cross ( i.e. loving the lost into the kingdom, loving a contentious family member, caring for a mentally/physically ill person etc, etc….) are a different matter.

There troubles pertain to Ephesians 1:3 

Blessed be the God and Father of your Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ.

These ‘troubles’ are a part of our life experience and are developing us for eternity.

As you can see from this verse there are many blessings that we do not receive here on earth. They are reserved for us in ‘heavenly places in Christ’. 

The only way this type of trouble will take on spiritual and earthly meaning is if we hold on to this truth. Then this pain will become a blessing for us eternally and His complete purpose for our lives will be realized.

We can’t understand everything but let me reassure you He is in complete control.

Love you and trust Him

Brother Walt 


 Sarah young quote

Times and Seasons of Trials
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