Fear of Lack

A couple of months ago my husband and I were faced with an opportunity to give. It was rather unexpected and frankly we didn’t feel like we had the funds to give. For a short time we almost said that we just couldn’t afford to give. BUT GOD…


As I was praying about the situation God reminded me of the many instances in the Bible when He poured out continually more when natural resources were supposed to dry out.

  • 2Kings 4: The widow woman who filled jar after jar with the little bit of oil she had left.
  • John 2: The wedding at Cana when Jesus supplied wine for the wedding from water.

The fear of running out can grab hold of us and cause us not to be a blessing because we are looking out for ourselves.  But doesn’t God always provide for those who give cheerfully and abundantly. I am not making a case for giving all of one’s life savings but as God leads us, as we pray for Him to direct our steps and open our hearts to the needs around us He will show us ways to give that might not fit into our well planned financial budget.

Giving Time

Finances isn’t the only thing that we fear we might run out of. I know that frequently I cutch onto TIME – minutes, hours….thinking they are mine. I don’t want to reach out because I might not have time to work, time to clean my house, time for myself…..the list goes on and on. Once again this would not mean recklessly volunteering for every activity at church but what about time to send a card to a sick friend, time to call someone who is discouraged, time to invite a newcomer for coffee. When I purposely turn my time over to God He seems to multiply it far more than I could ever imagine! Some days I simply can not conceive of how I accomplished so much except to give glory to Him!

Law of the Supernatural

As I have reflected on the supply of God I do believe there is a supernatural law at work. Simply turning to God with open and hands and open hearts He is able to do all things beyond the confines of time or money.  The fact that God is God means we must believe that He works in supernatural ways – stretching time, stretching money – going before us and making the way.


Can we out-give God?
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